Friday, April 9, 2010


October 31st, 2008


Jenny’s Bizarre Errands

October 30th, 2008

Jenny and her new BFF Agnes were spotted at Ikea and Sephora. Um, weird much? I’m not sure what they have planned, but I am very curious. Though, I’m really glad to see Jenny with a friend who isn’t her dad or brother or Vanessa. Jenny hasn’t had a new friend since last year at Constance and we all know how that turned out…

No One Says I Love You

October 29th, 2008


There were a lot of new faces this week. And with new faces comes new drama. Thank God. Things were getting a little quiet around here…

Finally little Jenny Humphrey made a friend at work. She’d been there long enough, yet it never once seemed like she went out with a co-worker (maybe that’s because they’re all a good 10+ years older than her, but still). Well, Jenny was in need of a friend. And Jenny found a friend in Agnes, a model who was around her age. Agnes thought Jenny was way talented. But she wasn’t the only one. Eleanor thought Jenny was talented too. Only problem was that she kept leading Jenny on. Eleanor had promised Jenny she could be in the important meetings with the department stores. Unfortunately, Eleanor reneged her promise. Though, she did like the dress Jenny was wearing (and that Jenny designed herself). Eleanor asked if Jenny could remake that dress using Eleanor’s fabrics so she could show it to the department stores. Rude! Eleanor swore that if Jenny did this she could be in the next meeting. Jenny obliged and said would construct a new dress. Oh, fifteen year olds are so naïve.

New friends Agnes and Jenny went out for a night on the town after work. Jenny was still wearing the dress Eleanor loved and she was supposed to recreate for the next day’s meeting. Agnes loved Jenny’s dress so much she wanted to trade outfits with her. And Jenny agreed. The two went in the bathroom and came out wearing each other’s clothes. Agnes was in the dress and Jenny was in Agnes’ vest and hat. Max, Agnes’ friend/boyfriend/whatever, showed up at the bar with his camera in tow (he’s a photographer). They posed for pictures, danced, and had a great time. Looked like Jenny actually had some cool new friends! Too bad, Jenny had work bright and early the next day. Ugh, models have the best schedules ever.

Though, it sucks that models aren’t the most responsible people. Agnes took off from the bar before Jenny could get her dress back. Jenny tried to get a hold of Agenes but had no luck. Jenny needed that dress! The next day, Agnes finally came to Eleanor’s with the dress. Jenny needed to get the remade dress to Eleanor ASAP! When Jenny finally gave Eleanor the dress, Eleanor told her the dress looked like crap. The seams weren’t finished, the zipper gaped and it was obviously hemmed on the machine. Eleanor also told Jenny she looked like crap. She had seen pictures of Jenny out partying online from the night before. No wonder the dress was messy. Hearing Eleanor yell at her was the final straw. Jenny realized Eleanor was just using her. Eleanor told her she should go home for the day. Jenny thought maybe she should just quit. Eleanor didn’t want to hear any of it. End of discussion. See you on Monday, Jenny. But Jenny wasn’t having any of that. She told Eleanor she wanted her dress back now. Eleanor threw Jenny the one she had just given her. But Jenny didn’t mean that dress. She wanted the green one from the fashion show (you know, the one Jenny designed which accidentally went down the runway?). Eleanor informed Jenny that if she touched that dress she wasn’t welcomed back to the atelier ever again. And what did Jenny do? She took the green dress. Peace out, Eleanor. It was great (at points) working for you.


Meanwhile, Chuck and Blair were in trouble. Neither of them would budge on saying those three magical words. Though, both were dead set on making the other break first. Blair was so desperate to make Chuck say it she turned to Dan Humphrey. Weird, right? But Serena urged Dan to help since he was a true romantic (fine, that winter wonderland thing was kinda cute). He instructed Blair to make herself unavoidable. While deviant, Chuck was still a man and couldn’t resist the temptation of Blair Waldorf. Not bad advice for a kid from Brooklyn.

So Blair made herself unavoidable. First step: sitting on the hood of Chuck’s limo wearing a garter belt under her school uniform. We all know how much Chuck is obsessed with his limo. Chuck liked what he saw. Blair dared him to go for a drink with her. But only if he could handle it. Chuck said he would and the two found themselves at a bar. From making Chuck smell her new fragrance to “accidentally” spilling her drink on his crotch, Blair was working it. Unfortunately, Chuck wasn’t falling for it. Not only was he bored with her, but she also ruined his pants. Burn.

Blair told Dan his advice left her totally humiliated. Thanks a lot, Lonely Boy. Dan said she needed to keep playing. Chuck was probably just acting. Blair had to go and find him. So she did. Blair went to the van der Woodsen/Bass apartment and set up shop in Serena’s room. She was going to seduce Chuck Bass and make him say those words if it was the last she thing she ever did. Blair texted Serena to ask if she had any candles in the apartment. Serena was grossed out. She didn’t even want to know what was going to go on in there. Blair texted Serena again and said this would be way EZ. Chuck was going to be eating out of her hand. And then Chuck came home and saw Blair in her finest lingerie. Dirty. Chuck stepped into the room and came close to Blair. She told him there was no point. She wasn’t going to say the three words. Chuck didn’t care. He couldn’t resist. The two started making out passionately. Then, suddenly Blair’s phone buzzed. Chuck and Blair stopped kissing and looked over at B’s phone. They both dashed for it at the same time, but Chuck got to it first. He opened it and saw the text exchange from Blair and Serena. Chuck was being set up! And with that, Chuck left. Ugh, so effing close!

Dan and Serena both told Blair that if she really loved Chuck she should just tell him. They obviously had something really special. Why would it be so bad for her to just admit it to him first? Sure, it might be a blow to her pride, but who cares? Blair agreed. She was going to tell him. Deep breaths, B, deep breaths. But as she was about to meet Chuck, Dan intercepted. He told her maybe it was a bad idea to tell Chuck she loved him. It was Chuck Bass, afterall. Who knew how he’d react? Blair was caught off guard. What was she going to do now? Unfortunately, Dan wasn’t looking out for Blair’s best interest. Vanessa had told him about how Chuck and Blair used her recently as a pawn in one of their sick games. Dan was livid. He couldn’t believe he was helping these two when they had treated his best friend so badly. Sorry, B. Karma’s a bitch. So when Blair met Chuck on the rooftop neither had anything to say to each other. Chuck thought he was asked there because Blair was going to finally say it. But instead, Blair demanded Chuck proclaim his love for her first. Chuck would never. Both were royally pissed at each other. Chuck told Blair it was over. Finished. Worst news ever.

But the saga of Chuck and Blair wasn’t over just yet. Serena told Dan what he did was mean. Chuck and Blair loved each other. He had no right to stand in their way and manipulate them. Dan felt bad and went to Chuck. He told him the truth: Blair was actually going to say “I love you” to Chuck that night, but Dan had told her not to. With that information, Chuck went to see Blair. She was sad and wasn’t in the mood to see Chuck gloat. But Chuck hadn’t come to gloat. The reason they couldn’t say those words to each other wasn’t because they weren’t true. It was because once they said them, then what? Were they going to start dating? Chuck and Blair go to the movies together? Chuck and Blair rock climb together? Now just wasn’t the right time for them. Though, maybe they had a future together? That’s something I’d wait forever for. Waldass 4ever.


All the while, Dan and Serena were trying their hardest at being friends. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad? The two decided they could still hang out even if they weren’t dating. This would have been a good idea if there wasn’t an Aaron Rose. Aaron Rose was an artist who was showing his stuff at Rufus’ gallery. He was 21 and way cute. And of course, he and Serena seemed to hit it off right away (that girl makes the best first impressions ever). Sparks certainly were flying the second they locked eyes.

Serena was totally flirting with Aaron Rose. The two has an instant connection and Serena was utterly smitten with his art (it was actually really cool – he is way talented!). Aaron invited Serena to go to dinner, but she told him she wasn’t really dating right now. Bummer. But Aaron wasn’t going to take that as a no. He told her if she could tell him the fate of Cecil the caterpillar then he would still go out with her. Serena was confused and kind of freaked out by this stranger’s weird riddle. She didn’t get it. But then, Serena suddenly remembered. Cecil the caterpillar was from Camp Suisse! Aaron totally went to summer camp with her when they were younger. They even got married at camp! Licorice rings and all. Serena was so excited. Though, when she went to find Arron, she was surprised by what she saw. He was getting onto a moped with another girl. Guess she was too late for this talented artist.

Meanwhile, Jenny still had no job. No school. Nothing. Agnes told her it wasn’t a big deal. Jenny had talent and that’s all that mattered. She could start her own line. Agnes could be the face. Jenny reminded her they were teenagers with no money. But Agnes was well connected. They could totally do this! Agnes invited Jenny to a party to meet the editor of Nylon. He really liked the pictures Max had taken. Maybe he could help? Awesome! Jenny liked her new friends. But you know who didn’t like Jenny’s new friends? Nate. He thought they were trouble. Geez, the kid’s been an unofficial Humphrey for like a week and he’s already up in Jenny’s business. Jenny didn’t care what Nate had to say. She was going out to party with them whether he liked it or not.

Before the party, Jenny went to Max’s to hang out. Agnes was in the mood to dance. So she did. Agnes did her moves around the apartment. She urged Jenny to dance too. Jenny finally agreed and the two traipsed around the apartment, totally careless and free. So free in fact, Agnes took her top off. Jenny was shocked. Agnes continued to dance around in her bra and tried to get Jenny to do the same. No, thank you. But Agnes persisted. And Jenny finally gave in (way to succumb to peer pressure, J). Little Jenny Humphrey shirtless! So scandalous (what would Rufus think??)! The girls danced and Max watched (gross!). They were soon interrupted by a knock at the door. Agnes opened it and standing there was, omg, Nate Archibald! WTF was he doing there?? Nate told her he came to take her home. Jenny was mortified. She told him she wasn’t leaving. He told her he would wait and took a seat on the couch. Ahh!! Beyond embarrassed and pissed, Jenny grabbed her shirt and went off with Nate.

Outside the apartment, Jenny screamed at Nate. He wasn’t her brother or her father. He had no right. Nate told her she was lucky he showed up. That was a bad scene. Jenny was going to get in over her head. That guy was taking advantage of her. Jenny didn’t understand why Nate cared so much. The two stared at each other and Jenny, omg, kissed Nate! She broke away from him, unsure of what she just did. And then, I can’t even believe it, Nate kissed Jenny again! And not like some little smooch on the cheek. It was an all out tonguefest! OMFG!

Chuck and Blair? Over forever? Way, way sad. But we’ll be waiting. It doesn’t matter how long. I think it’ll be worth it (agree??). Glad to see Serena has a new crush. Let’s hope he’s not as big of a player as he seems. S deserves a good guy. We wish her luck. But let’s get to the important thing: Nate and Jenny! I cannot even effing believe it. I am still stunned. Who saw that coming? It was kind of hot. Who would have thought Jenny would receive such a sexy kiss from her family’s houseguest? We cannot wait to see what happens. Does Nate like her a lot? How will we know?? We think it’s in his kiss. Xoxo Gossip Girl.

Humphreys (Plus Nate) Pick Pumpkins. Lame.

October 27th, 2008

Dan, Jenny, that old rocker guy and Nate were spotted pumpkin picking in Staten Island. WTF, N? Pumpkin picking? Living with the Humphreys? Staten Island? Who are you?? What have you become?? Next thing you know Nate will be sculpting clay pots or performing Shakespeare in Prospect Park (because the Humphreys are a bunch of artists). Archibalds don’t belong in an outer borough picking pumpkins. They belong on the Upper East Side with people hired to pick their pumpkins for them!


October 27th, 2008

Spotted: B on the 6th floor of Bergdorf Goodman. That’s where the lingerie is, FYI. She bought some Cosabella items (i.e. sexy lingerie). Hmm…C at Barneys. He was seen buying a bottle of Odori (i.e. sexy cologne). Hmm…S and little bro E taking pictures of each other in Central Park. They were playing in the leaves and seemed to be having a great time. Can we get an “Awww?” D and V unloading a ton of weird stuff outside the Bedford Ave. Gallery. We all know V works there. Let’s hope D’s dad throws him a few bucks for his helping hand. A very burnt out looking J leaving Eleanor’s atelier around 3am. She could barely keep her eyes open. Sucks. And OMG! N eating at a diner in Brooklyn with that old rocker guy. Ew is the only word for it.


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