Friday, April 9, 2010

Chuck Bass, ugh

July 31st, 2008

You know I love to receive spotted tips but enough is enough with Chuck Bass! My inbox is overflowing with all the scoop on Chuck. And it’s getting a bit repetitive. “Chuck Bass spotted with a blonde.” “Chuck Bass spotted with a brunette.” “Chuck Bass spotted with a redhead.” Does this guy ever take a break? Geez, he puts the uck in Chuck and the ass in Bass.


July 29th, 2008


Serena and Nate playing horseshoes on the beach. She beat him. By a lot.

LOVE LEVEL: 2. There was absolutely no physical interaction and they seemed way competitive against each other.

xo xo Gossip Girl | 64 Comments »

Striking It Rich

July 28th, 2008

Word has it Penelope and Hazel have hit the jackpot. Well, the dating jackpot that is. Both have found themselves in the arms of boys from Philips Academy. That’s a boarding school, which is like a step up from any other school (even an elite NYC private school). We hear Penelope’s guy is a Senator’s son and Hazel’s guy is an heir to some car company. How did these two score such amazing pots of gold? So unfair! Wonder if their romances will last through September? Or if these are strictly summer flings. We shall see…

A Girl’s Gotta Live

July 24th, 2008

We are so proud of Blair. That girl is not letting Chuck Bass rain on her parade. She is making the most of her summer abroad and we could not be happier for her. From Florence to Venice to Monaco, Blair has seen, partied and lived it up all over Europe. You go, B.


July 22nd, 2008


Serena and Nate spotted seeing Hancock at the East Hampton Movie Theater. They shared a large popcorn but had their own drinks (for all you noseys: Diet Coke for S, Sprite for N).

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