Friday, April 9, 2010


August 29th, 2008

Spotted: B dining with a totally cute guy at Le Louis XV in Monaco. Harold and Roman were nowhere in sight (thankfully!). The cute guy looked like he was in college (score!). S, N and little E bowling at Mattituck Bowling Lanes. N got more gutter balls than you’d imagine. S and E were surprisingly good (losers, cough). In NYC, C eating sushi with a hot female junior publicist at Matsugen. Ugh, puke. D at Duane Reed in Tribeca picking up some prescriptions. He flirted with the pharmacist. WTF? J almost getting hit by a taxi as she sprinted across an intersection in Chelsea. She was carrying a bunch of dresses and looked out of breath. Mortifying.

The Vitamin Water White Party…

August 28th, 2008

The Vitamin Water White Party is only days away. Gossip Girl will obviously be there, with wide eyes and open ears. So get out your finest white ensembles and be ready to toast to what was truly an amazing summer. We’re sure this will be the party of 2008. You never know what might happen. Or who might show up. Cannot wait!


August 26th, 2008

Spotted: B getting a massage at the Hotel du Cap in Antibes (Roman was getting a facial, btw). S and E riding segways (lol!) down Main Street. They looked like freaks but nevertheless seemed to be having a good time. Also on Main Street, N jogging. With no effing shirt on!! Ugh, I didn’t see it, but I REALLY wish I had. C being chauffeured around East Hampton in a Smart Car. Yes, he even gets driven around in a Smart Car. But I mean, come on. It’s Chuck Bass. D at The National concert in Central Park. He was with a group of girls who looked like they were, gasp, fighting over him? So confused! J at the Loew’s on 34th Street seeing Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 with what looked like a fellow intern. Seems like little J finally got a day off.


August 25th, 2008

Gossip Girl Correction: I previously wrote that Blair was spotted on a double date in Spain. Turns out Blair’s date, Francisco, is actually named Francesca. She’s a she (my informant must have had a bit too much vino). Francesca is a model friend of Harold and Roman’s. She’s from Spain and invited the Waldorfs to Barcelona for a weekend holiday. Francesca is definitely not a possible suitor for B, but look for her in the Balenciaga runway show at Fashion Week in September! Sorry for the misinformation. Mistakes happen.

Spotted Olympics Edition

August 21st, 2008

It seems like our favorites are way into the Olympics. Who knew? S and E were spotted slipping away from the dinner table at Nick and Toni’s. They went to the bar area to watch some men’s swimming. S was heard saying she thought Matt Grevers and Ryan Lochte were two tall glasses of water (pun intended!) C and N at Tailgator’s Sports Bar. I know, I know, C at a sports bar? But he didn’t care because he was rooting for Kerri Walsh and Misty May-Treanor in beach volleyball. The two guys were practically drooling. D and V eating burgers at Rogue while watching synchronized diving. They were in awe. How the hell do they do that? J at Mood Fabrics. She was overheard gushing about women’s gymnastics. She was soooo obsessed and totally Team Nastia.

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