Friday, April 9, 2010

If you answered C, Georgina Sparks…

April 29th, 2008

If you answered C, Georgina Sparks, from the previous blog then you are correct. We were all surprised to see Georgina back in New York. But no one was more surprised than Serena. Seems like these two have a history. One that Serena does not want to revisit. Georgina’s return could not be more ill timed too; Serena was really working hard to get back on track and the SAT was going to be her time to shine. All she wanted to do was to put all the negative things she had done in the past behind her and work to a new beginning. Georgina had other plans for Serena. She wanted to party. Serena finally gave in to Georgina’s pleas and agreed to one drink. But of course, that drink turned into multiple drinks and soon Serena was drunk. We love drunk Serena! (but of course, we all should drink responsibly!) She and Georgina even brought out the aliases they created a long time ago: Savannah and Svetlana. Just like the old days. Serena seemed to be actually having fun. That was until Georgina received a call from her drug dealer. Serena was way turned off. She wasn’t a drug user and if Georgina still did that stuff then she really didn’t want to have anything to do with her. Serena called the one person who could help her in this situation. No, not Dan, though you’d think since the two are so madly in love he’d be the obvious choice but you’d be wrong. She called her soon to be step-monster, I mean step-brother, Chuck. Chuck proved to be a good person to call when you’re too drunk to function (he’s used to dealing with belligerent girls). He even called Dan who was supposed to have a study session with Serena. Chuck fibbed to Dan that Serena had food poisoning. Too bad Serena wasn’t in on the lie because the next day when she told Dan she had a migraine he became concerned. Dan didn’t know what the two were hiding but he was annoyed by their deceit and recognized that something was up.


Georgina begged Serena to see her again. She didn’t mean for the other night to get so out of hand. Georgina was actually impressed with the way Serena had cleaned up her life. Maybe Georgina could do the same. Serena told her she could only meet with her for a little because she had the SAT the next day. Georgina promised it would just be dinner. The two girls met and sure enough all they drank was Diet Coke. Serena and Georgina sat around like two old friends catching up on their lives. Serena filled her in on her mom’s upcoming marriage, her revitalized relationship with Blair and her newish boyfriend Dan. All seemed right. That was until Serena stepped away from the table and Georgina took out a vial full of a mysterious substance. Is that? Could it be? Yes, it was. Georgina roofied Serena’s Diet Coke! The next thing Serena knew she was waking up in a haze in Georgina’s hotel room. She couldn’t remember how she even got there. Georgina refreshed her memory telling her how she switched from Diet Coke to Patron. Serena was confused. And then she remembered, oh crap, she was supposed to be taking the SAT. Serena hurried off as fast as she could. She called Chuck to try to keep the doors open. But Serena was too late. Thinking on his feet, Chuck did the only thing he could do: he hired someone to be Serena. A short redhead showed up at Hunter College with her number two pencils, calculator and an ID saying she was Serena van der Woodsen. It might have even worked if Dan hadn’t been standing right there when the fake Serena presented herself. Dan was beyond confused. Where the hell was his girlfriend?

Dan went straight to see Serena after the test. She told him she wasn’t feeling well and could they please talk later. Dan was upset. What was going on with the girl he loved? Chuck witnessed the Dan-Serena interaction and was bewildered. Why couldn’t Serena just tell Dan about Georgina? What did Georgina have on Serena?

After her little fight with Dan, Serena confronted Georgina and told her the two of them were finished. Serena couldn’t be her friend anymore. She made awful mistakes whenever she hung out with Georgina. Georgina was distressed but agreed. She didn’t want to be friends with anyone who didn’t want her to be in their life. Serena stormed off believing her work was done and that Georgina would stay far away.

All the while, Blair Waldorf was declaring war. Not with Jenny Humphrey. But with Nelly Yuki. Nelly Yuki wanted to go to Yale and Blair was convinced there wouldn’t be two spots for Constance girls. Nelly was at the top of their class, a National Merit scholar, a Peabody scholar and an all-star violinist. She had everything so Blair was determined to find Nelly Yuki’s weakness and use it to take her down. Blair enlisted her army of Isabel, Penelope and Hazel. With some detective work the girls found out that Nelly Yuki had just broken up with her boyfriend. Blair invited Nelly over for a pre-SAT study session complete with massages, manicures, and of course, in Blair Waldorf style, a scheme. While Nelly received a massage her boyfriend Todd Jansen showed up. Nelly was so excited to see him and the two went off to talk. Blair grinned as she prayed her plan would work. The next day at the test, Nelly showed up heartbroken. She and Todd decided they would remain broken up and Nelly was obviously devastated by this result. She couldn’t sleep one wink the previous night and had been crying nonstop. No girl could perform well on the SAT when she’s busied with boy problems. Blair realized she had won the fight and was ecstatic. And thus Yale was even closer to her grasp.


Jenny Humphrey was shut out from the SAT festivities. She was only a freshman and Blair made sure she remembered that. With her friends off studying their brains out Jenny decided there was one thing none of the girls had: a boyfriend. And Jenny was determined to find a king to her queen. With the help of Elise, Jenny found a cute dog walker who was pretty into her. But really, a dog walker? A girl needs royalty not a jester. Jenny’s mind soon changed when she figured out the dog walker was actually the dog owner. His name was Asher Hornsby and he was hot! Asher asked her out on a date and Jenny was elated. Maybe getting a boyfriend wouldn’t be as hard as she thought. But Jenny’s dad quickly put a pin in her plan. Jenny was not allowed to date. She was too young and after going all klepto only a week prior Jenny was grounded. She stomped her feet: So unfair!! But this Asher guy was something different. He showed up at Jenny’s apartment (omg he went all the way to Dumbo, + 100 points for him!) and brought the date to her. Swoon! Teach us your boy snagging secrets, little J!

And over in Brooklyn, one of the weirdest things to ever happen like in the entire world was taking place. Nate came all the way to Communi-tea to drop off his old SAT books to Dan. He had taken the test already and didn’t need $500 worth of study books anymore. While Dan was grateful, Vanessa thought Nate was treating Dan like a charity case. Who was this Upper East Side rich (and pretty) boy to come down to Brooklyn to give Dan his leftovers? Vanessa was enraged. But that’s not the weird part! It gets even crazier. Vanessa found one of Nate’s practice essays in a SAT book and read it. It was actually good and it let her in on a whole other side to Nate Archibald. The two met for coffee to talk which lead to, gasp, a real date. They even shared a kiss on the steps of Communi-tea! It was actually a very hot kiss for such a totally unexpected couple.


Vanessa was set on not taking the SAT. Since everyone in her family was an artist no one had ever gone to college. And because Vanessa wanted to be a filmmaker, what was the point of the SAT? But Nate urged her to reconsider and she did. Vanessa, like all the other kids in NYC, went to Hunter College and took the SAT. So mainstream for such an alternative girl. And the happy couple (omg are they a couple now?!) got into Nate’s limo after the test and drove off into the sunset (or just the 2pm sky). Guess people can change with some nudging. Welcome to our world, V.

And finally, when we all thought Georgina Sparks was out of our lives for good we were suddenly thrown a bombshell. Unbeknownst to Serena, Georgina went straight to, omg I can’t effing believe it, Dan!? And she told him her name was “Sarah”. ?????? What the hell is this girl doing? I’m so confused. And kind of a little scared. God knows what Georgina has planned.

What the hell is wrong with this world? Jenny “the freshman from Brooklyn” Humphrey has a hot boyfriend from Unity? Vanessa “the filmmaking hipster” Abrams is kissing Nate “the king of the Upper East Side” Archibald? Serena “the once wild child now reformed” van der Woodsen is too scared to tell Dan “the most understanding boyfriend” Humphrey the truth? And is therefore turning to Chuck “the horny devil” Bass for help? My head is spinning. I’m so perplexed. Well, we will have to wait and see what happens next. Seems like anything is possible and I can’t wait to see what develops.

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