Friday, April 9, 2010

Once again it was that time of year…

September 30th, 2008


Once again it was that time of year for the who’s who of NYC to come out and see the newest lines by the hottest designers. This past week was Fashion Week. Only those truly in the ‘in’ crowd got invited. And you can be sure I was sitting front row to watch it all go down.

Blair had one ritual she religiously abided by at her mother’s Fashion Week fashion show every year. She watched the show from backstage with Serena. This was how it always was. And how it always would be. This year Blair was given an actual task as well. She was asked to make the seating chart for Eleanor’s show. Blair worked extremely hard on it and was proud of how it turned out. Unfortunately, her chart looked like it was straight out of 2003. Kirsten Dunst? Brittany Murphy? Really? Marc Jacobs was having his show the exact same day as Eleanor and if she wanted to compete she needed to pull out the big guns. Eleanor needed people who mattered in the front row. Not someone whose only accomplishment was an MTV Movie Award. Little Intern Jenny to the rescue! She informed Eleanor and Laurel that Serena was now friends with all the NYC ‘it’ girls. Maybe she could sit in the front row with them? Eleanor was ecstatic. Problem Solved. But if Serena was front row then that mean she wouldn’t be backstage with Blair, right? Eek. Who’s gonna break the bad news to B? Shot not.

Serena was having like the best few weeks ever. She went from being Constance Billard Senior to one of the most sought after society girls in NYC. That’s what happens when you befriend socialite extraordinaire Poppy Lifton. The two were out and about marking their territory all over the city. Serena was even featured in Women’s Wear Daily. The girls at school loved it. Serena was like famous. And you know who wasn’t famous? Blair. It was like she didn’t even matter now that Serena was the talk of the town. Blair was out like a Juicy Couture velour sweatsuit.

Blair was livid by her best friend’s fame as well as the Constance girls’ disloyalty. Didn’t they know she was their ticket into Fashion Week? Stupid teenage girls. Blair was royally pissed and it only got worse when she finally saw her seating chart changed. Dorota told her it was Jenny who changed it. With hate in her eyes, Blair had a new target. Uh oh. You can run, but you can’t hide, Little J.

Jenny was working really hard all week at Eleanor’s atelier. So hard, in fact, she was ditching school. When Blair realized this she decided to use it as her ammunition to extract revenge on Jenny for changing her seating chart. Blair went to Brooklyn and told Rufus about his daughter’s extended absence from Constance. Rufus was confused. He had been sending her off to what he thought was school everyday. Was that not the case? Rufus called the school and found out the truth. His beloved little daughter was a truant who skipped class. Rufus called Headmistress Queller and pleaded with her to not expel Jenny. If Jenny met with her, then maybe this could all be fixed…

Unfortunately, Jenny wasn’t the only one dealing with the wrath of Blair. Serena also fell victim. Now that Serena was put in the front row she wouldn’t be sitting with Blair backstage. But that was their tradition! When Serena told Blair that Eleanor had specifically wanted her in the front along with all the society girls, Blair told her not to even bother coming to the show. Serena was insulted. Who the hell was Blair to not let her live her life? She was going to that show and she was sitting in the front row with her new friends. Blair was utterly upset. This was going to be the worst Fashion Week ever.


All the while, Dan was struggling with a story. He needed a good recommendation from an esteemed writer if he wanted to go to Yale (FYI the Dartmouth Creative Writing department had been poached by Yale). Dan was hoping Noah Shapiro from the Paris Review could help. Shapiro had read Dan’s stories but thought he could use more life practice. Dan needed to go out and experience the world if he wanted to be a good writer. And who had more experience in the world than Chuck Bass? Dan found Chuck and asked if maybe the two could go out for the night. Chuck was skeptical. But Nate was out of town and Chuck didn’t have many friends so why not? The two went to a bar and Chuck ordered shots with a side of some mystery pills. In true Chuck fashion he wasn’t actually trying to be friends with Dan. It was just a ploy to embarrass him. And he succeeded. Chuck ditched Dan in Chinatown with no wallet, no phone, and worst of all, no shoes. SICK.

At Eleanor’s fashion show, Blair was still out to bring everyone down. She changed the seating chart, making sure Serena was all the way in the back. When Serena arrived she was confused about why her seat was in the last row with Brooke Hogan. Little Intern Jenny to the rescue again! She quickly changed the seats back and put Serena in her right place. Blair was going to lose it. This was not working. She needed to think fast. When Blair found out Jenny’s job was getting the models on stage she decided to help out. By sending the models home. How can one have a fashion show without models? Blair was ecstatic. Too bad, Jenny’s smart. Who needed models when you have socialites? Jenny rounded up the socialites (including Serena!) from the front row and put them in Eleanor’s clothes. As the socialites began taking the stage, it looked like all was going to be okay. Eleanor’s show was saved. But Blair was still not happy. Pretending to help, she gave Serena a dress to put on for the runway. A real Jenny Humphrey original. Oops. As Serena strutted her stuff, Eleanor freaked out. That wasn’t her dress! She never designed it. Blair’s plan had worked. All things had crumbled. An exhausted Jenny confronted Blair. Why was she picking on her? It wasn’t Jenny who was trying to ruin Blair’s favorite tradition. It was Serena. Blair should be taking her anger out on her instead. Not some fashion intern. Blair realized she was right. Maybe Serena was the root of all of Blair’s problems?


When Eleanor saw the wrong dress go down the runway she was beyond mad. Jenny came forward and said it was actually her dress. That little conniving witch. She was trying to use Eleanor’s show to showcase her own work. Jenny pleaded she didn’t do it on purpose. She would never. Blair stepped forward and tried to convince her mom Jenny was being truthful. Eleanor shouldn’t be mad with her. Besides, the fabric Jenny used was scraps she had found lying around Eleanor Waldorf Designs and she basically copied an old pattern. It might as well have been Eleanor’s dress. Eleanor should totally take credit for it. So she did. And thanks to Jenny, Eleanor’s show was saved and a major success. Eat that, Marc Jacobs.

Meanwhile, when Dan brought his story to Noah Shapiro, Shapiro liked the character of Charlie Trout (hmm, sound familiar?). This guy was devilish and interesting. Dan should be writing from his point of view. Dan didn’t like that since he didn’t like the person it was based on. But trying to broaden his writing horizons, Dan decided to try another night out with Chuck. Dan found Chuck drinking alone at a bar. Chuck did not want to spend another night entertaining some boring kid from Brooklyn. As Chuck left Dan at the table, really ready to start his night, he approached a woman who he mistakenly thought was a prostitute. Her boyfriend was not all that happy to hear his girlfriend being confused for a whore. He was about to hit Chuck when, omg, Dan stepped in and punched the boyfriend! WTF?

Dan and Chuck were arrested and put in a jail cell. I know, who would have ever thought you’d see Dan Humphrey in a jail. With Chuck! Chuck thanked Dan for stepping in. He had his back. And then Chuck opened up. For what seemed like the first time ever. He admitted the reason his father didn’t seem to like him was because he thought maybe he had killed his mother. Turned out, she had died giving birth to him and Chuck had to live with the thought that it was because of him that she died. Dan was shocked. Wow. Chuck being deep? Chuck’s lawyer arrived to bail Chuck out. Chuck said he would see if his lawyer could do the same for Dan. The two shook hands and it looked like our former enemies were turning into, gasp, friends? When Chuck went to get his belongings from the front desk, he accidentally got Dan’s stuff. Along with Dan’s Swatch watch and Old Navy wallet was the story he had written about “Charlie Trout.” Chuck read it and he’s no dummy. Dan was using him for his stupid little writing career. Chuck marched back to the cell and told Dan his lawyer wouldn’t be bailing him out. Guess he was wrong about Humphrey. Then Chuck said his mother had actually died in an airplane crash over the Andes. Everything he had told Dan was false. They should pretend their bonding moment never even happened.

Jenny may have been the toast of Eleanor’s show, but she was burnt toast to her dad. Headmistress Queller called Rufus after their meeting, which hadn’t gone quite as planned. When Rufus showed up at the show to confront Jenny, she made sure he couldn’t get in (um, demon child, much?). Once Rufus finally got inside and found Jenny, he told her she was in a lot of trouble. She would be going to school, coming home and that was it. She was punished. Jenny said she wasn’t going to quit her job with Eleanor. She had star potential. This was what she wanted to do. Maybe if Rufus had been a bigger success he’d understand. That stung Rufus. A lot. Then Jenny said she wasn’t going back to school. Ever. High School dropout Jenny? Wow.

Realizing it was Serena she was really angry at, Blair went to talk her. She wanted to explain to her that the only reason she acted the way she did was because their tradition was lost and she felt left out. Blair was surprised when Serena didn’t accept the apology and frankly, didn’t even want to hear any of it. Turned out Poppy and Serena had talked earlier about what kind of friend Blair really was. Poppy was once friends with a girl very similar to Blair. Poppy would have to bring herself down in order to not outshine her friend because her friend had such low self-esteem. Poppy could never truly be who she wanted to be. Serena agreed. This was a lot like Blair. Taking this all in, Serena decided she wasn’t going to let Blair control her life anymore. So Serena went off on her. For Serena’s whole life she’d been walking on eggshells around Blair in order to not hurt her feelings. It wasn’t Serena’s fault Blair was so insecure. Blair was shocked. Serena was such a conceited bitch! And with that, Serena was off to bask in the glory of the paparazzi lightbulbs, leaving Blair in her dust.

Chuck and Dan’s friendship is over before it even began. Sad. Kind of thought those two made a good pairing. Though, now that Dan knows Chuck’s secret think he’ll spill it? And Serena and Blair. Was this the final straw in their friendship? Will we be seeing a fall 2007 flashback with all the fighting and scheming against one another? Fingers crossed! There’s nothing Gossip Girl loves more than a catfight. Meow. Xoxo Gossip Girl.

“It” Girl Serena van der Woodsen

September 29th, 2008

In case you’ve been living under a rock or something, Serena has a new BFF, socialite extraordinaire Poppy Lifton. Fine, maybe Serena and Poppy aren’t really BFFs (Blair is S’ BFF, duh), but the two have been making all the rounds recently. Whether being written about for Page Six or snapped for Park Ave Peerage, these girls have been all over the place. Serena’s an ‘it’ girl now. Watch out, NYC.

I Wanna Be a Supermodel

September 26th, 2008

My favorite NY fall event is fast approaching: Fashion Week! There’s nothing Gossip Girl loves more than seeing the newest designs by the hottest designers come parading down the runway under a tent in Bryant Park. You can be sure I’ll be sitting front row next to anyone who matters. We hear all our favorites will be in attendance to what will surely be the fashion event of the season. Are you in or are you out?

xo xo Gossip Girl | 70 Comments »

Get Well, Little J?

September 25th, 2008

Word has it Jenny Humphrey hasn’t been seen in school recently. We hear she has mono. But really, who would have been kissing her? We’re a little skeptical. If anyone has any info on Jenny’s condition, please share. For the meantime, get well, Little J…if you’re actually even sick.

Summer Vacation…

September 24th, 2008


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