Friday, April 9, 2010

Um, I don’t know anything/could care less about lacrosse…

March 25th, 2008

Um, I don’t know anything/could care less about lacrosse so this doesn’t really interest me but maybe others are into it. This was an article from the St. Jude’s Journal. Seems like St. Jude’s has a pretty good team this year (and a hot one, might I add – okay, I lied maybe I do care about lacrosse but only about the hot players). Kevin Forsyth is way cute and it’s so depressing that he’s graduating in June. I’m sure going to miss him (and his killer smile). Also, I’m totally jealous of the opposing player who committed the “unnecessary roughness” against Nate Archibald. Maybe Gossip Girl should start playing lacrosse. If it means playing dirty with some of the hottest boys on the Upper East Side then sign me up!


Gossip Girl’s in depth profile of Nate Archibald

March 6th, 2008

Lives with: his dad, Howie aka The Captain and mom, Anne in a townhouse
Likes: Sailing, lacrosse, mac n cheese, taxis, California, fly fishing, his Juke phone, Snickers, Frisbee in Central Park, maps, Cliffs Notes
Dislikes: Confrontation, lying, geometry, schedules, grape flavored Jolly Ranchers, being bored, blemishes
Best Friend: Chuck Bass
Girlfriend: it’s complicated with Blair Waldorf
Favorite fashion trend: cashmere sweaters
Favorite places in New York: Sheep Meadow, John’s Pizza, Maritime Center at Chelsea Piers, Chinatown, Butter, Loeb Boathouse, Grand Central
Favorite Music: Kanye West, Jay-Z, Talib Kweli, The Roots, Timbaland, Pigeon John, Outkast, Common, Mos Def, TI
Favorite Authors: Jack Kerouac, Jon Krakauer, Jack London, Tom Perrotta, Ernest Hemingway, Kurt Vonnegut, Hunter S. Thompson
Favorite Movies: The Godfather I & II, Dead Poets Society, The Shawshank Redemption, Batman Begins, Wedding Crashers, The Graduate, Match Point, Shaun of the Dead
Favorite designers: Brooks Brothers, J Crew, Paul Stewart, Trovata
Favorite TV Shows: Weeds, Seinfeld, Entourage, The Simpsons, Friday Night Lights, Lost, Beauty and the Geek, The West Wing, 24, The Fishing Line
Heroes: Christopher McCandless…he died but still…
Motto: “I’m just trying to do what’s right.”

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